Jevantrad Network Bridges the Gap Between Distance and your Healthcare, Making Your Health Accessible with Just a Click
Our services
Is it the New Year Resolution or something that nugs your mind when you wake up in the middle of the night?
Is it something you have read on the web and feel like it applies to you?
something that you discussed with your colleagues during a casual encounter. Are you confused with the next step to take in your health journey?
Listen, we are here for you.
We listen in Confidence and In a Non-judgmental environment and We Guide you with options for the care you deserve
30 mins | $150
Chronic care Management
Chronic conditions do not determine who we are but are just a part of our health journey. We can tame these conditions in a way that they will be controlled and allow us to enjoy our lives to the fullest.
Our role at Jevantrad healthcare, is to share with our patients the options available in managing various chronic conditions and work together in developing health plans that minimize the effects of these conditions onto their quality of life.
Acute Condition management
There are so many medical conditions that can cause similar symptoms that you may be experiencing.
Don’t guess your diagnosis.
Come to the team that is specialized in medical diagnosis for acute conditions.
Through Telemedicine , you can share your symptoms with us
Based on our training, skills and experience we look and listen to your symptoms , and make the right diagnosis and treatment plan for you.
That is what separates us from the ordinary teams
Vaccinations and Screening
We are all at risk of developing medical conditions either by our genealogy , environmental exposure or our own lifestyles. While at times we might not have the power controlling the causes of some medical conditions, we have a choice and power of controlling the outcomes through preventive care or early detection.
At Jevantrad, we strongly advocate for vaccinations to prevent disease or mitigate their severity when they occur . We also strongly advocate for screening for certain conditions and embark on early treatment which gives better outcome.
Jevantrad Flourishes By Empowering You to Take Control of Your Health, No Matter Where Life Takes You
We Believe That Your Health is Always Within Reach , No Matter The Distance