Talk to the healthcare Team that meets your needs.

Connecting you with us


What are you looking for?

You’ll be asked a few questions to help us tailor the best care plan for your situation


Personalized suggestions.

Together We Shall Develop Healthcare Plans that meets your needs and preferences.


Making Decisions for Your Care.

We are here to guide you with the options but at the end of the session, you make the decision of the care you want

Medical conditions can be scaring and create a lot of Anxiety. Making healthcare decisions can be intimidating like treading through a puzzle.

But you are not alone.

We walk the walk with you at your convenience of time and place.


The Power of Question is the basis of all human Progress

Indira Ghandi

Q: What is the difference between getting care from Jevantrad Network compared to the regular walk- in provider?

We Just cut out the chuff

  • scheduling the appointment is at the tip of your finger. We provide you a portal , a website and a phone number which you can use to schedule the appointment

  • We cut out the unnecessary cost in terms of money and time to travel to be seen. You schedule your appointment in the comfort of your home, office, recreational park or cafe

    Q: What are the benefits of getting my care with Jevantrad Network?

    Prompt Accessibility

  • No wasting time in waiting rooms. Once your schedule time comes, we invite you into the virtual space and meet.

    Q: What preparation do I have to make, to be seen?

    No Stress

  • You only need a computer, electronic pad or mobile phone. We will give you a reminder of your scheduled time and all you need to do is open the browser when it is time to meet. The provider will be waiting for you and you talk freely

    Q: How will you examine me, virtually?

    This is where our expertise comes at play

  • We pay special attention to how you look, how you sound, including the tone of your voice and body language

  • We look for unusual signs like skin color or gait

  • We will ask pertinent questions like sleep habits, diet and appetite, your weight, your energy level, your output e.g urine or bowel movement

  • We ask you to perform certain tasks ; like cough, take a deep breath, bend over, touch parts of your body, reach for items or lift different items

    We have more for your care

  • In certain situations we work with your insurance to provide you with monitoring equipment like glucose monitor, blood pressure machines or incentive spirometers. We walk you through how they are used and what we look for.

    Q: How do I get different tests?

    We have your back

  • Depending on which tests we need, we can come to your house with your permission to check for urine infection, blood sugar levels or control through A1c.

  • We also have home tests for CHF.

  • For other tests, we work with the diagnostic centers near you and send them orders for your tests. We get the results, review them with you and develop a care plan

    Q: How do I get my medication refills?

    Our focus is “your Convenience”

  • We work closely with your insurance and your pharmacy for either pick up or home deliver or your medication

Let us help you find care that's right for you.